Arny Schmit is a storyteller, a conjurer, a traveler of time and space.
From the myth of Leda to the images of an exhibitionist blogger, from the house of a serial killer to the dark landscapes of a Caspar David Friedrich, Schmit makes us wander through a universe that tends towards the sublime. Manipulating the mimetic properties of painting while referring to the industrial era in which we live, the Luxembourgish artist likes to surprise by playing on the false pretenses. In his paintings he creates bridges between reality, fantasy and nightmare. The medieval, baroque or romantic references revealing his profound respect for the masters of the past.
Over the past few years, Schmit has extensively explored the representation of nature through a luxurious body of seelenlandschaften. Extracted from a different time era, industrial decorative motifs invade his large format compositions of forests, moss and decay, like so many memories of floral wallpaper, dusty Oriental carpets, embroidery, intruded upon by bright godly neon lights.
Through fragmentation, juxtaposition and collage, Arny Schmit multiplies the reading tracks and digs the strata of the image. The beauty of the nature he paints reveals the unknown, uncertain, and uncontrollable qualities of the wild, inexhaustible source of life and creativity.